On returning from a rare thing for me, a holiday, I was confronted with the letter in your Points of View page Pub boss loses his temper', August 24.

I did think it was a bit out of character for my manager Michael Whalley.

Maybe I had employed Gordon Ramsay instead.

During the following day, several people, who had read the letter and were sitting outside the pub at the same time as the incident happened, phoned to tell me what really did happen.

The lads were sitting outside the pub when they were joined by another lad who parked his car on the lane opposite.

He was asked politely, by the manager, if he would put the car in the car park at the rear of the pub.

The driver intimated that there was no reason why he couldn't leave the car where it was, on the road.

The manager reminded him that the whole village is a no parking zone.

It was at this point all the expletives came from the car driver, not my manager.

The lads were asked to leave never to return and were informed that the incident will be reported to Grappenhall and Thelwall Pubwatch.

Parking in the village is a major problem.

There are signs at each end of the village and several repeater signs within the village area. However, it would appear that some drivers think these signs don't apply to them.

This kind of parking does happen on a regular basis and understandably causes problems for my neighbours accessing their own driveways.

My staff are instructed to remind drivers of the parking restrictions in the village and there are also notices inside the pub.

We have a large car park at the rear of the premises and nine out of 10 drivers will adhere to the regulations, but there is always one, isn't there?

GRAHAM DENNETT Landlord, Rams Head Inn