CAN anyone out there answer my query?

Who has priority on the buggy-friendly buses - a buggy or an old lady with a trolley?

I have nothing against old ladies; it is just that they take up two seats on the bus in the buggy and wheelchair section, one seat for them, one for the trolley.

I watched a woman today with a trolley rushing to get the seat with her trolley leaving a young girl having to put her buggy in the aisle.

As I was already there with my pram there was enough room for the woman's trolley and the buggy but the woman sat down on the other seat leaving the girl puzzled as to why she didn't sit in the seat opposite.

The number 16 bus comes very few and far between and when you wait 30 minutes for a bus and are not able to get on due to a shopping trolley, it can drive you mad.

I'm sure I'm not alone with this problem.

Please, ladies, we don't mind you having the seats but not the trolleys - we pay bus fare the trolleys don't.

KATH Bewsey