I WISH to refute the statement which I am supposed to have said to one of your reporters when interviewed for your ‘Why I’m proud of Warrington’ feature.

I did extol the virtues of shopmobility and their staff, as I could not do any shopping without the use of one of their scooters and I really appreciate the facility they provide, but I did not state that a mechanical device was the saviour of my life.

I am a committed Christian and a lifelong Salvationist and my saviour is our Lord Jesus Christ. Without my faith in Him I would not be able to function as a human being and although I am in constant pain I am able to be independent with Shopmobility’s help.

Thanks to them I can do my own shopping when I need to and hope you will be able to alter such an upsetting statement as it seemed to trivialise my Christian beliefs.

MRS SM NORMAN Warrington