DUE to problems at Bewsey pumping station United Utilities has for months been releasing sewage into Sankey Brook.

We now have used sanitary towels etc flowing down the brook past gardens and in to the Mersey. The response from the council has been apathetic.

Why could not a netted barrier be put across the brook and the worst material removed manually? This could be done with or without United Utilities’ involvement.

Planning lunacy has arisen over permission being granted for a café near the disused church on the worst bend on Old Liverpool Road. Up to 10 vehicles can be parked on the bend causing problems for drivers in both directions. It will inevitably cause a serious or fatal accident.

Opposite, a car dealer was selling cars from the roadside and after numerous complaints officials served enforcement papers. It now appears the dealer did not have planning permission to sell cars from there. He has now put in a retrospective application which will no doubt be rubber stamped without conditions or objections. Surely the residents of Sankey Bridges deserve better than the above.

WE OATES Sankey Bridges