AS leaders of the three political parties on Warrington Borough Council, we urge Guardian readers not to vote for the BNP at the forthcoming European Elections.

There is a serious danger in these unusual political times that people will be persuaded to cast their votes for this extremist party that is trying hard to appear ‘reasonable’.

Please do not be fooled. The BNP has a proven record of extremism and wants to destroy our way of life and divide our communities. The BNP has no place in a civilised society.

To stop the BNP entering mainstream politics we must have a high turnout. Please use your vote and do not be put off by the current turmoil of MPs’ expenses. The vast majority of people in the north west are totally opposed to the extreme policies of the BNP but do not realise what could happen if they do not vote for an acceptable party.

Councillor Keith Bland CON Councillor Ian Marks LIB DEM Councillor Terry O’Neill LAB