IT was chaos in south Warrington on Wednesday morning and all for one boat.

Why does the ship canal company allow boats to go through at peak times? It was 8.40am and all roads surrounding the swing bridge ground to a halt.

If that was not bad enough, to add insult to injury, while sat in a further jam on Knutsford Road, approaching Bridge Foot, I watched while a yellow Warrington Borough Council van decided that it would use the bus lane rather than queue like the rest of us law-abiding motorists.

Are WBC vehicles afforded some special privileges? Do they do anything to stop traffic congestion? Or was it simply that they knew they could get away with it?

And then, a few minutes later, I watched while a man driving a Golden Gates Housing van in the opposite direction, opened his window and threw something out – some sort of litter, it looked like an empty pack of cigarettes. What a disgrace.

I trust that these two organisations will speak to their staff about the terrible example they are setting.