HOW delighted the thieves, fraudsters and embezzlers must be with what I can only assume is a recent secret change to how criminal law works in this country.

This is how it goes.

It would seem that it is the case that if you get caught out for committing a crime, you can now apologise, say the system is wrong, say you are sorry while bizarrely adding that you have done nothing wrong and give back your ill gotten gains.

Providing you do this you are free from prosecution, the prospect of losing your job and gold plated pension, the fear and stigma that is attached to a custodial sentence and you can carry on as though nothing has happened.

I suppose in a way it is Parliament’s way of not exacerbating the problem of overcrowding in prisons.

No wonder normal people believe that they could not hold down the honourable office of being an MP.

Such creative thinking, duplicity and venality as shown by our ‘honourable’ members’ would obviously be beyond public spirited, hard working, honest, decent citizens.

Would a comment on this matter from either of our two MPs be out of the question, or, do we have to wait until July when they reluctantly have to publish their full itemised expenses?

I wait with baited, but not held, breath.

I rather think it will be July.