I WAS issued with a parking ticket with the reason ‘vehicle timed out’ and ‘abused patron parking’. I was parked at Tesco on Winwick Road for about half an hour, where the sign states that customers can park for one-and-a-half hours maximum.

How can the attendant possibly claim that my vehicle was ‘timed out’ if he had not seen it there for more than one-and-a-half hours? To substantiate my dispute I have sent copies of receipts from Alban Retail Park where I had shopped at both Mothercare and PC World.

These tickets were timed at 11.02am and 11.43am on the same date. I was at the Tesco checkout at 12.18pm and the ticket was issued at 12.17pm.

According to Google maps Alban Retail Park is 0.8 miles from the Tesco store and it is highly unlikely that anyone purchasing 22 items would have walked from one place to the other. Clearly I drove my vehicle from one car park to the other. It is a disgrace that staff have blatantly abused their position and issued tickets without checking how long the vehicles had been on the car park. Fortunately, I had shopped elsewhere immediately prior to my visit to Tesco and can substantiate my claim. Others may not be able to.

I am expecting my ticket to be cancelled and hope that staff will be properly trained in issuing tickets correctly in the future.