WE recently received a copy of a magazine called Bikes and Boots, issued by Warrington PCT, emphasising walking and cycling as ways of keeping fit and healthy. How much of the PCT budget was spent on this magazine?

Full colour, multi-page magazines are not cheap to produce and most will have ended up unopened in recycle bins. The money wasted could have been put to better use, such as dental care for children, by way of free toothbrushes and toothpaste.

Bulk purchase would have made a major impact on the cost.

If some thought had gone into it I am sure the Guardian could have run a feature on walking and cycling for health, for free. There could have been several walks and cycling routes over a period of weeks and readers could have commented on which they liked best. I am sure that some people have tried the walk featured and enjoyed it but at what cost? I have e-mailed the PCT twice as to the cost of this ‘health promotion’ exercise and been ignored twice. Once again, a waste of public funds.

GEORGE McKIE Great Sankey