AFTER reading the upsetting reports in the Guardian, April 23, there are still people saying they are proud of Warrington.

Do these people only see what they want to see? It really did upset me to read about the poor dog dumped in the Bridgewater Canal in Lymm.

I have been an animal lover all my life. How evil to do that to a two-year-old dog. I hope they go to hell.

Why could they not have left Bella where a member of the public would have found her?

How do you get on with your life and go to bed and sleep at night after causing so much suffering to a dog? I hope the RSPCA finds these evil people or person soon and stops them owning any sort of pet ever again.

I could do to them what they did to Bella without thinking twice.

I was also upset to read the report about the shop assistant terrified by the low life good-for-nothing scum bags.

Try to find a job? No, they would not know a hard day’s work if it hit them in the face.

These scum bags must have mothers and fathers who do not have a clue where they are or what they are up to when they are not at home and it is time they did.

The police keep telling us crime has come down in Warrington.

Who do they think they are kidding when every week in the Guardian there is more crime? Will it ever stop?