I WOULD like to ask the assistance of Warrington Guardian readers in locating my great grandmother’s portrait.

Grandma Thurza (Bramhall nee Gandy, born 1884) left behind many family tales, always theatrically recounted, some of which I have only recently been able to verify.

One sad tale tells of Thurza’s mother, Margaretta, and her siblings being orphaned as young children and all family belongings being sold in a public auction at their home in Town Hill, Warrington.

Included in the sale were paintings of the children which Margaretta, in later years, could recall taking place.

I believe Thurza’s sister, Lilian Moran (nee Gandy) was able to buy them back when she was older.

Through a contact made in South Africa I received a photograph of a painting of two of Margaretta’s older siblings (John Thomas Holcroft, born 1850 and Nancy Dutton Holcroft born 1853) confirming Thurza’s tale was probably true. Further inquiries confirmed another painting exisited as recently as the 1990s but I have been unable to locate it. Can any readers help?

Names linked to Thurza’s siblings include Moran, Mckewan, Isherwood, Chadwick, Critchley and Tryall (christian name) Gandy. Her parents, John and Margaretta Gandy, ran metal and home brokers businesses in the town centre (Ellesmere Street, Napier Street, Mersey Street) between 1881-1900s.