I WAS pleased to read in the Guardian about primary schools with walking buses and cycle training.

On a Tuesday I drive a minibus for the Warrington and Widnes Blind Society and need to have safe access to my passengers’ front doors. They often have one or more disability so walking is an issue.

My problem is with parents in cars who stop me getting through. I have written to Warrington Borough Council, the Fire Service and Police for help. The Fire Service advised me that if any vehicle blocks an entrance to a road, they will get through to a fire regardless of the obstacle. The police are monitoring the situation and point to the possibility that WBC could ask its traffic wardens to consider taking appropriate action.

I also wrote to my local primary head teacher who responded by placing an article in the school newsletter. He wrote to me saying; ‘You will not be surprised to learn that this is an issue I regularly write to parents over’. His message is getting through to some as many of his young learners are cycling and there are a large number of bikes in the cycle rack.

Unfortunately, his fears have been realised and problems continue. For example, one mother left a young child alone in a car blocking the road while she collected another. A large lorry frequently blocks off another entrance and my colleague had to walk one of our members a considerable distance.

I would urge readers to consider other road users. GEOFF SETTLE Cinnamon Brow