IN response to the letter from Charlie Cookson and Jade Ryan asking the people of Warrington to raise £6,440 to send ‘low life’ Chris Berry to a rehabilitation centre, I think money would be better spent on getting therapy for these two.

How on earth they can put a newborn baby’s sight-saving operation in the same context as an abusive alcoholic is beyond me.

If the people of Warrington think this would be worthwhile, please visit Chester Road for yourselves and witness the swearing, the verbal assaults on passersby, the urinating in the shrubs, the drivers and passengers who have locked their cars as they stop at the traffic lights as he bangs on the car windows.

You can see this behaviour most days but it is better in the early hours of the morning at around 4am as residents are woken up not only from his persistent shouting but also from the sounding of the car horns.

Do they really believe that a 12-week course can change this behaviour? Because it won’t.

Years ago this man would have been arrested and locked up. Nowadays in this country some idiots turn them into local celebrities. They achieved this by giving him his own page on Facebook, getting him to perform shop openings and encouraging motorists to give ‘three blasts on the horn for Chris’.

Their letter stated that Chris is no angel but he deserves a chance. Try saying that to my daughter who, in January on two occasions, was too frightened to leave the house due to his drunken condition. As he has been arrested and has appeared in court several times he has already had too much of taxpayers’ money spent on him. Do us a favour, keep hold of your money or contribute to something important.

IAN BUCKLEY Warrington