I WAS very disappointed and angered by the tone and content of the letter in last week’s Guardian regarding the visit of William Hague to Warrington to state the Conservative Party position on the now defunct Titan prison proposal at the Omega development site.

The author claims to represent WRAPP (Warrington Residents Against Prison Proposal), but was not brave enough to put their name to the letter. I am an active member of WRAPP and was invited to meet Mr Hague to state our campaign’s message.

I have no political affiliations and I accepted the invitation. Mr Hague gave me 10 minutes of his time where I gave information on the proposed prison plan, the effect on the Omega development and local residents’ concerns.

I was even given the opportunity to ask probing questions regarding Conservative Party policy on prisons and the proposed Titan scheme. Mr Hague did indeed thank me for representing WRAPP for our work.

The author of last week’s letter should also be reminded that the petition to No 10 Downing Street was compiled from a number of individual petitions from a number of organisations including WRAPP, the local residents’ association, the Liberal Democrats and the Conservatives. Therefore, the people in the photograph were involved in collecting signatures. Please give credit where it is due.

WRAPP, with support of various political parties, residents’ associations and the Warrington populace, defeated the Government’s plans and