FOLLOWING a recent report in the Warrington Guardian, on behalf of my neighbours I would like to add our support to the problems experienced by Elizabeth Bradburn regarding the pruning of trees in Cinnamon Brow. The problems experienced by the residents of St Andrews Close have been ongoing for around five years with continual communication with the council regarding overgrown trees, lack of daylight and blocked gutters. We have now got to the stage where we feel we are being enveloped by an advancing forest. The main problems are Ash trees and the resulting seeds which block our gutters and seed readily and hawthorn and hazel which are left to grow rampant.

We have been promised every year that the trees would be pruned or removed. Our gardens are in constant shade and lights have to be on during the day through lack of daylight.

Like Ms Bradburn, we are told there is a shortage of funds, yet there are parts of the town where trees are being pruned or lopped. Considering we are all contributing by paying our council tax to these services, we feel little is spent in Cinnamon Brow. Everybody loves trees but there needs to be some management and upkeep and it should be a matter of course that thinning of bushes and trees are carried out as part of the council’s remit.