WRAPP (Warrington Residents Against Prison Proposal) strongly rebukes the article on page two of the Guardian, April 22.

The article reads: “The campaign against the Titan prison has already reached Downing Street with protesters handing in a petition of more than 10,000 signatures... and the anti-prison campaigners were praised by Mr Hague for their work.”

This insinuates that Mr Hague thanked the campaigners for their hard work co-ordinating the signatures.

We can categorically state that it was WRAPP and not the crowd of Conservative activists pictured who collected the signatures. Many people were involved in collecting them and they were then all handed to WRAPP to be handed in by WRAPP as part of our campaign.

We can also categorically state that Mr Hague has not praised us for this work. His statement is false.

This is shameful electioneering on behalf of a political party trying to take credit for something they did not do.

If Mr Hague and his Conservative colleagues are so grateful for our hard work then why was WRAPP not even mentioned in the article?

If Mr Hague supports our cause why did he not sign the early day motion against Titan Prisons in the House of Commons?

WRAPP would like an apology from the Conservative party for deliberately misleading Warrington residents.

WRAPP would also like to thank everyone in Warrington for the massive support they have showed during this long and ultimately successful campaign. You too are people that Mr Hague neglected to mention.

WRAPP Warrington Residents Against Prison Proposal