THE article featuring Bewsey Old Hall in last week’s Guardian couldn’t have been more timely. The prospect of being able to enjoy a cultural visit in such a wonderful setting is an attractive one yet, in a few short weeks, that prospect may be gone for ever Regular readers of Points of View will no doubt recall that over the years, I and many of my colleagues, have tried to ensure the future of Bewsey Old Hall is secured for the benefit of the town and beyond. This historic building offers massive potential for community-based activities. Such a prime historical asset should be preserved but is under threat. Urban Splash proposes to develop the hall for residential purposes. The proposal has already been rejected unanimously by members of the council’s planning committee but the decision is now being appealed. A public inquiry will take place at The Halliwell Jones Stadium over two days on Tuesday, May 12, at 10am.

I would appeal to anyone who has an interest in preserving this important part of Warrington’s history to attend. The prospect of any development for residential purposes in the current economic climate is questionable but to propose a development which has such a detrimental impact on the community beggars belief. We can only hope that the inquiry upholds the unanimous decision of the planning committee so that attention can be directed to securing a solution which will benefit the community at large, rather than a privileged few. If that was the result, then cultural visits of real substance would become a real possibility.

TERRY ENNIS Bewsey Old Hall Conservation Project