THE weather for once has been glorious all weekend and we made the most of it getting out and about – enjoying our green and pleasant land.

However, it’s amazing how humans can manage to spoil everything – even nature.

One of my favourite walks is along the canal near my house and on Saturday we walked along to Walton Gardens.

On a lovely spring day, there is nothing nicer. We were enjoying the scenery, the wildlife – spotting ducklings, swans and a heron and also watching the boats that chug up and down.

Sadly along with that wildlife was a massive amount of litter, both in the canal and alongside it.

Plastic bottles, cans, sweet wrappers, cigarette packets, food cartons – you name it, it was there.

What a shame that the litter bins that are provided every so often along that route are shunned with people preferring to drop it at their feet and to hell with the consequences.

Then, of course, there is that other scourge of walkers – dog poo!

Yes there are many considerate dog owners who clear up after their pets and use the red bins provided, but there are still plenty who don’t bother.

It’s not much fun dodging dog poo – thank God for thick walking boots.