ON behalf of myself and the other tenants of Penketh Court, I would like to thank everyone involved in dealing with the recent fire which, sadly, took the life of one of our tenants.

I was impressed by the co-ordination of the fire, police and ambulance services and the way our manager, Jeff Poole, handled the evacuation of the premises. His calmness and efficiency ensured that there was no panic.

Initially, some tenants were welcomed into our local church, where they were offered a welcome cup of tea by Paul, the church’s minister.

Others, including myself, were welcomed into the home of a woman in Stocks Lane. We also were offered tea and biscuits.

A big thank-you must go to the management and staff of Sankey Manor and Birch Court for their hospitality. Even though we were loading extra work on them, we were met with nothing but kindness and smiles.

To the management and staff of Golden Gates, who worked hard to co-ordinate the whole process and to ensure a smooth and safe transition back into our homes – a big thank you.

Last, but not least, our thanks to David Smith from Golden Gates, who was on his feet constantly keeping up the morale of the tenants with his jokes, teasing and caring. David you are gem!