I WAS very disappointed to read about new plans to build homes in Grappenhall Heys.

The whole area of Appleton had been ruined by the houses already on the site and we have had hundreds of others built on Dipping Brook Avenue too.

What was lovely fields and quiet walks in the countryside is now nothing but identical housing which you could see anywhere else in the country.

The vast majority are also out of reach for young first-time buyers in this area who have no chance to get on the housing ladder.

Of course, all these houses are built without any extra infrastructure, meaning the likes of London Road now resemble a car park at busy times.

The Government and our council should shoulder the blame for this, as well as greedy developers who want to build on green fields where they can charge more for properties than on brownfield and industrial land.

Soon, I fear this part of Warrington will be gone forever, and no longer resemble what it has always been – a green countryside.

