I READ the criticisms of Andy Carter in last week’s Warrington Guardian (June 13).

Who wouldn’t seek to do something which improves their career if they were in a similar situation?

Everyone has bills to pay and a family to feed.

With the boundary changes, he would not have won Warrington South last time.

Given the state of the polls at the minute and the national picture, he would have almost no chance this time.

So why shouldn’t he look for something better?

In all careers, you would not stay and risk your employment if you could find a better job elsewhere.

Everyone should have ambition and want to improve themselves.

Regardless of politics, Mr Carter has been an excellent MP for Warrington.

And even with a predicted wipeout, there will be shocks so he could still win again.

But if not, I wish him all the best and hope he finds a job and returns to politics in future, perhaps in a safer seat.


Stockton Heath