I WAS pleased to read about the courteous X5 bus driver as described by Sue Wainwright in the Warrington Guardian (April 25).

In contrast, the same cannot be said about Warrington Bus Interchange.

The place is constantly being repaired, including entrance doors, bay doors, timetable screens, cracked floor tiles and vandalised seats.

I recently had to step over a group of people who were sat in front of one of the entrance doors and negotiate barriers.

It was only 4.30pm and the group wreaked of booze. Not a warm welcome.

The timetable screens in most bays have not been working for months.

I need the information that they used to display so that I can decide if I wait for the next hourly 25 or catch the more frequent 22 or 17 and walk the last mile or more home to Cinnamon Brow.

Less mobile people are unable to do this.

At least over the years the vandalised seats and automatic glass doors in the bay have been fixed, but it wasn’t a quick process, with a lack of parts or old technology often blamed.

Passengers now have somewhere to sit in the relative warmth instead of experiencing the icy blast that used to come from the open doors that would not shut.

Why can’t the company invest in technology that is tried and tested and has a life expectancy of more than just a few years?

