WE all remember Boris Johnson’s Brexit battle bus that promised us £350million weekly rebate from the EU.

When he was elected as Prime Minister, he promised 40 new hospitals.

My MP for South Warrington, Tory Andy Carter, has already begun campaigning to be elected at the next general election, as he has got himself involved in the new hospital bid.

He said that during the financial statement, the Chancellor confirmed that the new hospital programme will continue, and Warrington Borough Council, working with the NHS trust, has submitted a detailed bid to secure £370million needed for the hospital rebuild.

This will deliver a new state-of-the-art hospital in the town, a larger A&E unit, more beds, improved parking and catering for the growing population over the next 50 years.

As part of the bid, I would assume that a new site has already been identified, presumably either Unilever at Crosfield or Fiddler’s Ferry.

Mr Carter now has to deliver; no ifs, no butts, no excuses.

If Mr Carter does not deliver in getting it built in the next two years, then I think it is only fair for him to expect not to be re-elected, as both he and the Tories would have failed on their levelling up agenda and manifesto promise of 40 new hospitals.


Stockton Heath