I AM sick and tired of cleaning dog mess from the footpath at the front of my house.

I live on Manx Road and I do know that other neighbours feel that same way.

We see many people walking dogs along Manx Road and a lot of the time these people are too busy looking at their mobile phones to notice what their dogs are doing.

They do not even look up when the dog stops to do whatever it wants to do, whether it be just sniff around or go to the toilet, and you can see this daily.

What is wrong with people? Please keep an eye on your dogs and clean up after them.

Many children and elderly people use Manx Road as a cut through to the town centre, and I can imagine how sickening it is to step in dog mess and walk it into your house – it is disgusting.

The trouble is that it is very difficult to pinpoint just who is allowing their dog to do this to enable me to have a conversation with them.

But if I ever get them on camera, I will be shaming them on social media for the dirty people that they are.