I WANTED to reply to Gary Bebbington’s letter on what the council has done.

I will start off by saying I have never voted Labour and investments in Redwood Bank and Together Energy remain highly questionable and reckless.

But it would be wrong to say the council has not achieved anything.

Shall we start with schools. Every school in Warrington is either good or outstanding. Yup, not one failing school for any children in town.

Most of the high schools have been rebuilt or are about to be in the past decade.

Check out the town centre. It is the envy of most others in the region.

The market is light years different from five years ago, a town centre cinema is back.

The problems of the high street are everywhere, but Warrington is giving it as good a go as could be.

Warrington Wolves would not be around today were it not for the council. It bailed the club out in the late 90s before the Halliwell Jones Stadium was built.

Our town would be far poorer without a professional sports club, whether you are a fan of rugby league or not.

Walton Gardens has been saved and improved.

Some of the biggest businesses in the world are based here paying business rates.

On the downside, the roads remain a mess, things like Centre Park link road have been a failure in solving the problem, and as I said before, the investment strategy is questionable to say the least.

It looks from the outside like councillors have got rather carried away.

