SURELY it is time to restore the dog licence to the UK.

As it is, navigating Warrington’s streets on foot, trying to avoid dog mess along the way, is like a slalom course the Winter Olympics.

The stuff is everywhere.

The final straw for me was last week when I ran through a pile in Stockton Heath with my pram.

Not realising it went in the car so it was hours then in the pitch black and night washing and cleaning.

Do these dog owners not care for the welfare of other people?

Is it too much effort to pick up after their dogs so they leave it to the rest of us?

The problem is getting worse so I see only one solution, take the dogs off them.

Have a licence.

If you are caught letting your dog foul in a pavement or park and don’t clean up, you lose your licence.

Might make some of Warrington’s selfish dog owners think twice.

Although maybe not, maybe they care so little that they will carry on regardless.

But something must be done because the situation really is ridiculous.


Stockton Heath