SANKEY Bridges residents are rightly concerned about the ‘Gatewarth-Pong’ (Warrington Guardian, October 20).

I do not expect United Utilities investigations to produce a solution any time soon.

The situation has been brewing because the sewage works has not increased treatment capacity, despite the local authority allowing so much housing and industrial development (Omega, Lingley Green, etc).

United Utilities was consulted on these developments, so they cannot argue that the extra sewage arriving at the works is a surprise.

I would urge residents to continue to contact:

a) Warrington Borough Council’s environmental health team to register the issue;

b) Environment Agency – it has to act when such complaints are raised;

c) Their MP and councillors

d) Ofwat – there is no excuse for sewage works to cause residents this level of environmental issues, they must find a sustainable solution and quickly.

I should not need to remind United Utilities that when residents in Liverpool were affected by the ‘Sandon Dock-Stink’, it took things further and took legal action to get a clean-air solution.

It might actually be the answer for Warrington residents to force United Utilities to stop procrastinating through its ‘ongoing investigations’.

United Utilities – get this sorted.

