I WOULD like to say a big thanks to Warrington Borough Council and our local police for the rapid response in removing an illegal traveller’s encampment.

Last Wednesday evening at 7.30pm a group of travellers descended on a children’s park at the bottom of Larkfield Avenue in Paddington by cutting the lock off the park gates.

Some dog walker received abuse after complaining to the travellers about their dogs running wild so they reported the matter to our police.

We reported the camp via the Warrington Borough Council website at the same time and had to endured a sleepless night listening to their generators running.

Within 24 hours at 7.30pm the following night the travellers were removed from the children’s park.

This rapid response prevented any damage or mess having to be removed at the taxpayer’s expense and a lot of anxiety for the local residents.

So a big thanks WBC and the police.