THE debate over bombing in Syria leads to some interesting points of view on both sides of the argument.

What it highlights again is most people’s basic misunderstanding of how our democracy works.

I have seen so many people complaining that their MP isn’t listening to the constituents and why wasn’t I consulted?

Well why should they listen?

Our democracy, and pretty much all others, work in a very simple way.

You vote for your representative every few years and at the next election you then look at their record while in Parliament and make a decision on whether to vote for them again.

Every issue is not a referendum and nor should it be.

MPs have access to far more information than we do, sat at home trawling the internet and social media, with whichever skewed perspective given at that time.

Let’s trust our politicians to do what we elected them to do.

If you don’t like it, vote for someone else in future.