IN reply to A Edwards (Warrington Guardian, November 5) I believe anyone of whatever political persuasion can and in my opinion should ‘always’ remember the many who have sacrificed their lives for the freedoms we now enjoy.

Even though the constant erosion of those freedoms by the present government means that many have given their lives in vain.

Like Mr Lawton I do not stand for or sing the national anthem and like David Ball I also commend Jeremy Corbyn for not doing so.

And it would seem we are in good company as 92-year-old Harry Leslie Smith – a survivor of the Great Depression, a second world war RAF veteran – is quoted as saying: “As an RAF veteran of the Second World War I’m not offended by Corbyn not singing national anthem, but I am offended by politicians who sell guns to tyrants.”

Harry also states that this will be the last year he wears a poppy saying the solemnity of remembrance has been twisted into a justification for conflict.

Perhaps A Edwards would let everyone know if he/she thinks Harry’s action, or lack of it, is a contradiction?

I myself wear a white poppy for peace.

Does A Edwards know of any bombings where the taking of innocent lives can be commended?

Anyone who wants clarification of what any politician says on any subject should contact the politician himself rather than be contacted by a total stranger.

I assume A Edwards, Thatcher and Cameron have never contacted any of the hundreds of thousands of families that were bereaved by the actions of Tory party heroes such as Gaddafi, Saddam Hussein and Thatcher’ favourite dictator Pinochet.

It’s too late for Thatcher but not A Edwards and Cameron. Somehow I don’t think they will be forthcoming.



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