WHAT on earth has happened to the Labour Party which up to about 30 years ago was the only party who treated the middle and working classes fairly?

That is not the case now.

Tony Blair won three General Elections but his name will be forever tarnished with the war with Iraq and a pack of lies.

After Mr Blair came the hapless Ed Milliband, who was in league with the unions and could not even make a decent speech.

Now we have Jeremy Corbyn whose shadow chancellor is John McDonnell, a man with IRA connections and someone who has never shown any remorse for the countless victims of the said IRA.

What really sums Corbyn up was that the first person to congratulate him on his victory was the Russian leader Vladimir Putin, Labour will be unelectable for a long time to come and David Cameron and the Tories will be laughing all the way to the polling stations.

The other thing Corbyn said he would do if elected was he would scrap the Army (he would probably scrap all the armed forces) and leave Britain completely defenceless to attack from just about any country in the world.

Great Sankey


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