THE latest crackpot idea, presumably mentioned in Whitehall, stated by Warrington PCT to put the needs of patients first', beggars belief.

Do they never learn that BIG is not beautiful? Has Jon Tomlinson ever joined the cavalcade of motor vehicles containing anxious patients trying to find an elusive parking spot at the town's own hospital?

Is the town better policed from a centralised headquarters at Winsford than it was from Arpley Street - ask the public. What will happen to the backroom staff who provide an excellent service to doctors' patients at the many local clinics? Presumably, they will join the trainee members who suddenly are surplus to requirements at the job centre.

Rushed public meetings as a guise for public consultation are a mockery to the public's intelligence.

Place a petition in each of the existing GPs' clinics and see what the real people think.

BERT GORDON Warrington