IT was with a deep sense of foreboding that I read the report of the PCT on the future plans to, once again, mend something that isn't broken.

How can they claim that all will be well if their crackpot scheme is adopted, when it will mean the destruction of patient/doctor relationships, sustained over many years, being broken beyond repair?

We have had all these promises of a trouble-free heaven over the horizon. Remember what we were promised when our borough hospital was extended, ie: all patients will be treated without having to leave the borough boundaries, no matter what the illness or the treatment.

What is the picture now?

We will be given the choice of hospitals, some so far away that for the chronically sick or the aged, they might as well be on the moon!

I am in my mid-80s so I'll probably be soon out of the reach of these wreckers!

I know that the GPs are almost all against this plan and, once again, we, the ones most affected, will have no voice at all.

I can foresee that, in future, passports will have to be all in order' before calling on your local surgery, as well as any inoculations for foreign excursions.