I would like to voice my opinion about the youth of today.

I would mainly like to talk about the child obesity crisis, I think this all boils down to mothers not being able to afford to stay home to look after their children.

My partner and I plan to have children, but with a large mortgage it seems impossible for me to be able to stay at home to look after my children.

This is one of the main reasons children are becoming obese.

Mothers are forced to work, unable to find time to cook proper family meals and therefore resorting to convenience foods and takeaways.

This also links in with the problem with violent bad behaviour.

I was travelling on a bus on my way home from work when a brick was thrown at the driver.

As a result the window was smashed leaving myself and the elderly woman next to me quite shaken.

Children are not getting enough discipline due to lack of parental guidance and control. I would like to see some help for families to enable mothers to stay at home with their children or at least to be able to work part time.

ANGELA By e-mail