On Wednesday, March 7, I used the 21 bus with my grandson in his pram into town.

While on board, a woman got on in Northway with a pram, even though all spaces were full. I was amazed that the driver allowed her on as she fully blocked the access.

On the journey, she told three mothers with prams no room', then on Winwick Road she laughingly told a wheelchair user You can't get on'. I was absolutely disgusted!

To add insult to injury, she did not have a baby in the pram at all, just a doll!

I complained to the inspectors and was told that they knew her, she will not collapse the pram and there is nothing they can do as they cannot refuse her travel. OK, let her travel, but dolly stays at home!

I am amazed that a doll can travel at the expense of disabled users on the buses. It clearly states to leave wheelchair space, but obviously this means nothing.

I have written to Mr Nigel Featham at Warrington Borough Transport about this and await his answer with bated breath.

D Delaney Ennerdale Avenue