I read in the Guardian that Golden Gates Housing has been awarded three stars for being a considerate group of housing managers for this area.

I would like to make the point that for some this may be true, but for others it is far from being so.

I have heard from and about disabled people, including myself, living in housing provided by Golden Gates that is inadequate for their needs.

I know of people who find it hard to move, some in wheelchairs, living in accommodation provided by Golden Gates Housing in which there are stairs, making it hard for these people to go out or get into the accommodation provided for them.

I have also heard reports of single women living in fear because of violent and nasty neighbours. In my opinion they have inadequate protection provided by Golden Gates Housing, who seem reluctant to evict even the most violent of people, causing trouble for these women. All these things need looking at.

So, I am starting a pressure group that hopefully will make Golden Gates Housing more aware of our problems and do something more positive for us.

Any reader who is a Golden Gates tenant and is having problems regarding housing please contact me on 07999 826800.

Together we can try to persuade Golden Gates Housing that we are not happy with our situation, that we will not put up with second best, and we will not give up until we are housed in places more suitable for our needs and safety.

Golden Gates Tenant Bewsey