What do I have to show for paying my council tax?

I have, like many others in Warrington, recently received my council tax bill and I was shocked at an increase of almost five per cent.

I live in Birchwood, which, according to Warrington Borough Council, is a deprived area, but I noted with interest that residents in Birchwood pay the highest council tax in Warrington.

I accept that we have a part time police station (which is a joke as crime seems to be rising in the area), a part time fire station - or soon to be part time fire station (which doesn't just service Birchwood but its surrounding areas), and we have the tennis centre and gym, but we have to pay to use it.

I also accept that we have the Birchwood medical centre. But this major service provider is subject to Warrington PCT proposals to close it down and build a new super-duper seven-day-a-week centre somewhere more than three miles from Birchwood.

So what exactly am I paying for? If I opt out of using the gym/tennis centre and obtain private medical insurance can I have a rebate on the council tax?

I noticed that Birchwood Town Council receives more than £300,000 from the council tax. And for what? I would like someone to tell me exactly what Birchwood Town Council spends its money on apart from trying to make roundabouts look pretty by planting shrubs and flowers in them. I like Birchwood to look pretty and nice and presentable but wouldn't the money be better spent on saving the fire station from having to go part time? Or saving the much-needed Birchwood medical centre so that people without transport don't have to hike half way across the borough just to see a doctor? Or investing in emptying the recycling bins at Asda more than once a fortnight?

I think the people of Birchwood and Warrington need to be shown by the council exactly what the money is being spent on and see results for what they're paying for because it seems to me that we're paying more and more each year for decreased services but councillors pay packets keep increasing!