Like Mrs Frieling of Wilderspool Causeway, I too was delighted that the Government inspector had turned down the appeal application made by a building development company to build a nine-storey high-rise block of 70 apartments in Howley.

It is obvious that the residents do not want any high-rise buildings from the way they have made their objections felt to both the council and the developers.

Our councillors, Ann Haddow, Yvonne Forvague and Paul Jones, have given the residents their time and support unstintingly in this battle' and we are very fortunate to have such dedicated people working with us.

But nothing has really been resolved yet, and these various development companies could well return with a slightly different slant to their applications, maybe hoping to wear the people down.

Is it not time the Government gave an indication to the planners and developers that residents' wishes should be heeded, especially when conservation has become an important issue too? I would say that the fat lady has not sung yet'.

Jean Pownall Church Street Warrington