On Saturday, March 17, at approximately 11.45am, I was waiting at The Sloop Inn bus stop on Liverpool Road, in Great Sankey. I was on my way into town to meet my cousin.

When the bus arrived I got on and handed the driver a five pound note for my fare, as that was all I had. The driver then told me that he had only just started his shift and that it was not his fault that he did not have any change and that I would have to get off the bus and go and get some. At which point I got off the bus and it drove off, so I decided to walk into town.

I walked about 150 yards before the bus pulled up next to me, the doors opened and a lovely lady came to me and said that she would pay for me to get on the bus. I thanked her for her kindness and got on.

I would just like to point out that not all teenagers are rude and inconsiderate. Some of us do have good manners and that we do appreciate what people do for us.

Thank you very much to the kind lady (sorry I do not know your name). I really did appreciate it. I hope I can do the same for you some day.

Adam Mee (aged 14) Great Sankey