I am writing this letter as I am so let down by what has happened in my own back garden.

I live on Harding Avenue and as for thinking no damage can happen to my property as I have good neighbours, how wrong I was.

On Saturday, March 10, I went into my kitchen/conservatory to get my sons some breakfast, and realised that some idiot had smashed my large glass panel in my door.

My first thought was that someone had attempted to break into my property, but as I looked out of the door there was the object that had done the damage - a bottle of Stella.

On speaking to my good neighbours to see if they had heard anything, I was informed that it was drunken youths who live nearby.

Well, I would just like to let you know, you have scared my two sons, aged one and four, and to inform you that if you had thrown the bottle just a touch higher you would have thrown it into my sons' bedroom, so I should count myself lucky that I was not in the A&E department in the early hours of Saturday.

I hope your parents are proud of you as I am appalled that a so-called neighbour could do this to my property, and with the knowledge that I have two young children in the house, need I say more?

To the parents of these fools, if you are unaware of what has happened, please look out of your son's bedroom window, and you will see my glass door panel is boarded up and the police are aware of the damage.

To the little immature boys (because you are not men) - if you cannot handle alcohol without endangering children's lives, stick to fizzy drinks!

Mrs Rowlands Harding Ave Orford