WARRINGTON Primary Care Trust (PCT) is currently consulting with the public about our vision for the future of local health services.

The purpose of this letter is to explain what our vision is and how we believe this will benefit patients. We propose to build a number of large state of the art' health centres strategically located across Warrington.

We will pilot these in Orford Park (north) and the town centre. These will be modern premises able to provide a much wider range of services open seven days a week.

This will prevent patients needing to travel between multiple sites, therefore eliminating unnecessary delays.

For example, patients could see their GP, be referred for an X-ray and see a consultant all within the same building.

Services would be designed around patients' health needs in each neighbourhood. Patients will be able to see a GP at these health centres.

We are inviting GPs and other clinicians to manage all health services outside hospital from these health centres.

This is our vision for a 21st century health system for Warrington where the patient is put first. We recognise this represents a significant change and that some GPs may wish to continue offering traditional services Monday to Friday in their existing premises.

Should GPs choose to practise from the new health centres, we recognise that some patients may have to travel further - others will have a shorter journey.

We are working closely with the local authority to ensure the new health centres have free car parking and are on major bus routes.

We feel that given the benefits to patients from these proposals, and our commitment to invest in major new facilities, the proposals represent the best way forward for the people in the town.

We have produced a consultation document explaining our vision and we would like to hear everyone's views.

The document, Improving Local Health Services', provides more detail and is available from the PCT website: warrington-pct.nhs.uk or by telephoning the PCT on 0800 389 6973. The consultation period is for three months, from February 8 until May 9, 2007.

Public consultation meetings are being held at: St Anne's Church, 6pm, March 22; Winwick Leisure Centre, 3pm, March 26; Wolves Health Facility, 6pm, March 28.

Jon Tomlinson Acting Chief Executive Warrington Primary Care Trust