Last night I was fortunate to witness one of the best football matches I can remember watching for years.

Warrington Town under-11 schoolboys played against Bootle schoolboys at Walton Sports Centre in front of a very large crowd and fought out a 0-0 draw after extra time, only to lose this semi final match on penalties.

Both teams were superb with Warrington the better team on the night. Football is a fantastic game but also can be a cruel as Warrington were so near to a very high profile cup final that will be played at Goodison Park - home of Everton FC.

The effort, commitment and attitude of all the team was a credit, not just to the schoolboys' management team but also to the town of Warrington. I would also like to thank all the Warrington supporters who turned up in large numbers and were fantastic on the night.

Well done boys, you were brilliant and a fantastic example to our town.

Darron and Jill Bibby Culcheth Proud parents and supporters