It gave me great pleasure to read in the Guardian that Clr Yvonne Fovargue and Howley residents had got a high-rise flats development knocked back.

The Government inspector said that she deemed it should be turned down due to the above average level of development in Warrington already. Warrington Borough Council's Housing Land Report 2006 shows that by 2016 there will be an over supply of housing equivalent to 14 years' supply. It seemed clear to her that there is a substantial surplus of housing in Warrington and that another additional 20 flats would unnecessarily add to it.

Controversial plans were also turned down in Lymm by The Cross where No 2 Pepper Street might have been replaced by three shops and three flats. Congratulations to Clrs Marks and Woodyatt. Common sense on planning seems to be returning.

What an eyesore some of the flats are on Mersey Street and Church Street. What will they look like in 20 years' time?

If we are over-subscribed with houses, why are developers still submitting plans for high-rise flats? I know the answer really - it is more money. Plans have been submitted to the council for high-rise flats overlooking existing private properties on the Greenalls site.

Why are people's lives being upset by developers being allowed to capitalise and then move on to disfigure another area?

Our town is being trashed and for what? Hands up anyone wanting a five or six-storey flat in their own back-garden!

Jean Frieling Wilderspool Causeway