To last week's correspondent Mr Brooks, I would say that you could not find anyone less politically correct than I.

I will go out of my way to help anyone and often have, but the amount of abuse of blue badges, is in some places, running at 50 per cent.

The fact that despicable people have preyed on Mr Mullee is disgusting and I have every sympathy for him and his wife, but the fact is he lambasted traffic wardens for doing a difficult job, one of which is to cut out the misuse of blue badges using recently introduced legislation making it easier for Mr Mullee to park in designated areas.

If a badge is not correctly placed it could be years out of date and being used illegally. The fact that Mr Mullee worked all his life and served in the Royal Navy is commendable and he is obviously a decent chap but the fact is he was in the wrong, although £60 is a bit steep for what appears to be a trivial matter.

Peter O'Dea Old Hall