What a great shame the PCT feels the need to destroy the family GP and the service it offers to its patients in Warrington.

GPs at my practice are willing to "go that extra mile" for patients whenever it is needed. The GPs know the patients' needs because they know their immediate family and their extended families. Relationships have been built up for more than 20 years within general practice and that will be destroyed by the proposed new strategy.

Why does the PCT think it knows best? Why did it not consult with Warrington GPs before the public consultation was issued? Why are there no Warrington GPs who are happy with the strategy even though the PCT think it is the way forward? What about the buildings and the staff?

Our practice works as a small team, has excellent results from surveys and targets. Our terminally ill patients are cared for with dignity and GPs give their home telephone numbers to patients in their last few weeks of life. The whole family is supported. This would not continue with the strategy as the relationships would be destroyed due to the hours that would need to be covered to maintain the centre opening hours from 6am to 10pm. There would be no patient ownership and the patient would be the one that suffers.

After 15 years within general practice, I am appalled that the PCT thinks it can inflict these changes upon the Warrington practices without consultation and thinks it knows what is best for our patients!

LORRAINE Stratulis Great Sankey