It was rather surprising for the residents of Walton Road to read about their campaign for a safer road in Stockton Heath's Liberal Democrat newsletter Focus (issue 159).

Readers could be forgiven for inferring that the borough councillors were involved in getting the speed-activated signs installed.

In fact, neither councillor helped in any way whatsoever and, indeed, Celia Jordan did not, nor has ever, returned our calls and e-mails.

Of all the authorities from whom we sought help, our own Stockton Heath borough councillors were the least supportive. Furthermore, to describe the parish council's contribution as collaborative' is also stretching the truth somewhat.

The residents will remember well the initial response from the parish council to our request for help. It was only when we strongly insisted that they agreed to write a letter.

In the event the residents managed to persuade the highways department to agree to a meeting before the parish council had even sent their letter.

It is entirely due to the persistent efforts of the residents, the many letters they wrote, endless meetings they attended and their representations to Helen Southworth MP, that a solution was achieved.

We are very grateful to Phil Johnson at Warrington Borough Council's highways department for recognising the extent of speeding and providing the signs which have already made a huge difference to the speed of the traffic.

We put a huge amount of effort in trying to make our road safer and remember very clearly who helped us and who did not.

Mia Huggins Stockton Heath