IT WAS good news for the residents of Lymm when the development overlooking the Cross was rejected for a second time.

It is high time some common sense came into play by our planners when considering the suitability of new builds in historically sensitive areas.

After the decision, Liberal Democrat leader and Lymm resident, Ian Marks said: "I am delighted with this decision. It is always good when the views of local residents win through". Clr Sheila Woodyatt, also a Lymm resident stated: "I do not object in principle to some sort of development on the site, but it must be something that complements the area".

Obviously Clr Marks, by ignoring the thousands of people who objected to the destruction of the listed Edwardian school in Stockton Heath, considers they and their views far less important than the views of his own residents in Lymm.

As for Clr Woodyatt, how on earth she considered the minimum standard carbuncle she whole-heartedly supported to be built in Stockton Heath as a complement to our area is way beyond the comprehension of most intelligent thinkers.

I sincerely hope she doesn't insult the intelligence of people further by pretending that the new school will in any way benefit the children of Stockton Heath.

Perhaps if the Stockton Heath plans had been submitted by a private developer, and not by the borough council, these two influential councillors may well have adopted the same level of care and attention to our area as they do to their own.

STOCKTON HEATH resident Name and address supplied