My teenage son is currently researching his family history.

Recently he discovered that around 20 houses, previously owned by my great-grandfather (by way of inheritance) in Warrington (in Wellington Street, Napier Street, Lord Nelson Street and Salisbury Street) that I believe, were bought by the local council by compulsory purchase order in 1974 for just over £1,000 in total.

On reflection this would appear to be a remarkably low figure, even allowing for the times and the supposedly poor condition of the houses. It is the rough equivalent of each house costing just £2,000 in today's terms.

I wonder if any council representatives would like to give their views on this matter, which had the effect of wiping out my family's entire inheritance at a single stroke.

Perhaps more realistically, we would be delighted to hear from any of your readers who have memories of either the Gibson, Woods or Wilson families, from whom the properties in question had been handed down many years ago.

William Gibson was a builder and property developer in the second half of the 19th century. His niece Harriet married into the Woods family, who we believe were chemists of some kind. At around the same time, Davies Wilson (my great-great-grandfather) married Harriet's daughter Mary.

It would be great to hear from anybody who can help with our research.

Richard Shotton Sale, Cheshire If you can help Mr Shotton's son with his research, e-mail, or write to the address at the top of page 20 and we will forward on any correspondence