REGARDING Peter O'Dea's unpleasant letter directed at Mr Mullee (Points of View, March 1).

Mr O'Dea, you are obviously a member of the politically correct brigade.

These are the people who are helping to wreck our once proud country.

You must have read Mr Mullee's heartfelt letter in the Guardian, how scumbag burglars had stolen his scooter and his wife's scooter. They are well into 80s, having suffered heart attacks and strokes.

This man worked all his life, served in the Royal Navy. A tiny mistake like putting his blue disabled badge the wrong way around hardly qualifies him for a £60 fine. It's also fair to assume that our new traffic wardens are not blind.

For once common sense prevailed and the fine was rescinded.

MR W BROOKS Cinnamon Brow