It was recently reported in the Guardian that Creamfields has generously offered to hand over £10,000 to be shared between the parish councils in Moore, Hatton and Walton.

In the absence of any further information, the question was posed as to whether readers thought that this was in the form of compensation for the disruption caused by the concert held last bank holiday, or alternatively a sweetener' designed to persuade these councils not to object to the licensing application yet to be lodged in respect of this year's event, already advertised on Creamfields' own website.

I would imagine that more than than 90 per cent of the population could hazard a guess as to the correct interpretation.

As to the generosity of the payment, this needs to be compared with the scale of the takings enjoyed by Creamfields - roughly 50,000 tickets sold at £50 a head, ie £2.5 million, not to mention the £0.25 million reportedly paid to Lord Daresbury for the use of his fields.

Hopefully, our elected representatives will be able to see the sum offered for what it is and not inhibit their capacity to properly represent the views of their electorate when the application is eventually lodged.

BRIAN Handley Hatton